I am gonna get to be a stay-at-home mom!! If you read yesterday's post, I mentioned a scheduled one-on-one with my boss. The primary purpose for it was to tell her that Cory's new job was going to allow me to stay home with Savannah. She took the news really well and was excited that I was going to get this opportunity.
In addition to that, the one-on-one also resulted in some talk about my degree. At this point, I just have one class to take to finish my Master's degree. It's an independent study course of sorts (a practicum to be exact) and involves coordination with a college/university office and about 200 hours worth of work on some predetermined outcomes. Essentially it's the equivalent of a part-time job. Since getting pregnant, it's a course I'd planned on taking next fall or spring. But she encouraged me to consider doing it this summer because, even though I'll be out with the baby, I'll still technically be employed which means my tuition is paid for by DBU. In addition to that, she had some ideas for things I could do with our office (that are separate from any of my normal duties). That would give me the chance to knock out the practicum from home while I'm on maternity leave. Pretty sweet deal right?!
So it looks like this summer is going to be an eventful one ... becoming a mom and graduating! YAY!
7 years ago
WooHoo! That is awesome! I did my practicum the semester that Eli was born. It really wasn't that bad because all he did was eat and sleep. I even got to take him to work with me when I wanted...you should check into that.
Good luck!
YAY!!!! You're going to LOVE it and it's SO rewarding! So glad it worked out well! :)
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