Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Three months

So, almost as if overnight, Savannah has grown!  Two days ago it struck Cory and me both like a ton of bricks.  Suddenly she has real weight to her when we pick her up.  She can lay on her tummy and hold her head up with complete ease.  She simply looks bigger and in no way like a newborn anymore.  Before now, people would just go on and on about how cute and tiny she is ... or was, I guess.  I mean, she's not a giant or anything and is definitely still as cute as can be, but she's clearly not my petite little baby girl like she was just a week ago.  Sort of breaks my heart.

But despite wishing she would stay itty bitty forever, it's really fun to watch her learn and grow.  She's on the verge of her first really great belly laugh.  Cory lays on the floor with her sitting on his stomach as he laughs.  You can tell she wants to copy him but she can't quite figure out how.  I have a feeling it won't be long though.  She's grasping onto things within her reach much more and wants to hold her bottle all by herself.  And she could except for knowing to tip it up when it starts getting low.

My heart melts when I go to get her after a nap and her face lights up when she sees me.  It really might be my favorite thing in the whole world.  For this month's picture, she was able to sit up next to her bear without a blanket behind to help steady her.  Hooray for my strong girl!  I know she won't technically be three months old until tomorrow, but we'll be on the road to go see Gamma and Grrdad, so I figured today was just as good for picture taking. After all, how much difference can a day really make? ... unless she decides to mysteriously grow again overnnight in which case today's picture will not be an accurate depiction of her three-month stature.

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