Thursday, October 29, 2009

Who knew?!

I've always known I wanted to be a mom and that I'd love all the things that go with it - good and not so great. Right now it's the nausea, acne, and countless other "blessings" that come with early pregnancy. In a little more than 7 months it will be sleepless nights, dirty diapers, and of course the joy of a tiny new life. But if anyone had told me I'd be so obsessed with the first photo of that itty bitty baby growing inside me, I'd have said they were crazy. After all, at .98cm, you can't even tell which end is which. But seriously, who knew I'd be so proud of that strong little heartbeat?!?!

Since finding out we were pregnant, I couldn't help but worry from time to time. Am I eating the right things? Drinking enough fluids? Washing my hands and guarding against the flu to the best of my ability? What if something goes wrong ... even something I have no control over? It has felt like an eternity since the positive test until today - my first prenatal appointment. The nausea has really been the only reminder that I'm pregnant. But it all became so real when we saw our little one on that sonogram screen today. I could've sat there all day and watched the heart flicker. It's such a relief to know that, at least at this point, everything is just as it should be.

Here he or she is in all of his or her 7 week 2 day glory!

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