My sweet baby girl is already 3 weeks old. How is that possible?? Even though I'm in denial about how quickly time is passing (since it honestly hasn't been that long), in a weird way, it seems like she's been with us forever. I hardly remember what life was like before she joined our world.
I'm glad to report that Savannah finally ... and I do mean FINALLY ... decided she wanted to actually be a breastfed baby. After her weight check last Monday we went up to the hospital to meet with a lactation consultant since we were still struggling. And wouldn't you know that the little toot latched like a pro for the consultant! That lady thought I was nuts for coming up there for help, but I swore to her that Savannah had NEVER gotten it so quickly. But from that point on, it's been pretty easy and I am so thankful for that.
We went to see our pediatrician again this week and everything looked great except that she hadn't really gained any weight since the week before. Dr. Joki wasn't too terribly concerned yet, but said if I don't see her getting chunky over the next week then I need to take her in so we can figure out why. At this point, he thinks she's still just adjusting after the trouble we had with jaundice. Hopefully she'll start looking like a cute, chubby baby very soon.
A ton of friends have had babies recently and it's uncanny how similar our experiences have been. We all seem to have little girls who love to sleep during the day, but not so much at night. Working through that together has been a blessing even though I wish none of us had to go through it at all.
The one area where my experience seems to be unique goes back to labor and delivery. It hadn't really struck me how lucky I was to have only had to push for 15 minutes until I talked to friends who pushed for an hour or more. I can't imagine how exhausting that must be. In fact, it was a total surprise when the nurse said she was going to get the doctor because it was time to push. She came in to try and coax Savannah lower because they thought she was still too high ... but to everyone's delight, she was hanging out just waiting on me to help her into the world! Replaying it in my head brings tears to my eyes. Nothing can compare to the joy you experience when your child is born.
Speaking of child ...
... isn't she BEAUTIFUL?!?!
And now she's hollering for momma. More to come later.
7 years ago